Damn That DJ Made My Day, part five! If you’re just checking out this series for the first time, I highly suggest you check out the previous posts, featuring Dan Grey, the Dixon Brothers, DJ Stylus and Complexion. Now on to this week’s DJ and we’re heading to Cambridge… it’s DJ Strike One!

I first became aware of this guy after hearing a guest mix he did for Complexion, which I’ve featured below. In this fifteen minute open format mix Strike One demonstrates tight and on-point turntablism, a little wordplay, clean mixing and a solid track selection. Oh, and I think I was actually more gassed than Complexion was by the intro!

UPDATE 17/07/2014: The mix I originally featured in this post is no longer available so I’ve replace it with DJ Strike One’s Old Skool Garage Summer Anthems mix!

DJ Strike One currently holds down residencies at Karooze, Kuda and Ballare and is playing the Outlook Festival launch next weekend at The Junction. Most recently, along with the rest of his team, Strike One has launched Clique; a weekly urban Saturday night at Ballare in Camrbridge. Judging by the photos, it looks like the first night was a massive success so if you’re in that area on a Saturday night and urban music is your thing, go check them out!

I’ve yet to have the chance to see DJ Strike One play out live (which is something I hope to rectify very soon) but I did get the chance to meet up with him at the DJcity UK DJ Link Up last year where we did the awkward thing of posing for a picture when the guy filming pointed his camera at us… so here’s a still from that video, haha!

Now check out the mix below and hit up his SoundCloud page for more! You can also find Strike One on Facebook, here, and make sure you follow him on Twitter, @ItsDJStrikeOne.

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